

2004 - 2010

Universidad de Castilla La Mancha

Degree in Computer Engineering

The Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering has as its fundamental objective scientific, technological and socioeconomic training, and preparation for professional practice in the development and application of Information and Communication Technologies in the field of Computer Science.

Work Experience

2021 - Present

BASF Digital Hub

Frontend architect

Intensive frontend architecture decisions and development of both internal and external applications for several customers, having close contact with Business logic requirements and design. Using Angular 12 as frontend framework and Spring as Backend, as well as Microsoft Azure devops for infrastructure. Handling another project requirements + development in Vue 2. Developing and modeling Types for a Headless CMS (Contentful) in order to display dynamic content using Angular, monorepo Nx in a distributed team setup. Also developing and mangaging the checkout part of an E-commerce application. Migration the OpenID Auth0 Authorization from NetIQ to Azure Active Directory

2019 - 2021


Lead Frontend developer

Main Frontend responsible, for development, orcherstration and maintenance a financial application for an important International automotive company. Design and development of web components using Angular 8+ and RxJS as communication and synchronization tool. Migration to newer versions of Angular, and implementation of unit testing.

2016 - 2019


Senior Software Engenieer

Development of a new B2B distributed application for an international customer. Working on both task of frontend and backend, using top edge architecture design based on REST and microservices. Also part of a "task-force" team for a Procurement module, focused on GWT technologies. Analysis, definition and implementation/integration of technical functionalities based on functional requirements. Front-end development based on Angular (5) using TypeScript. Front-end unit and integration testing based on Jasmine, Karma, Protractor and Pact. Back-end development based on Spring (Boot, Cloud, HATEOAS, Data), RxJava, MongoDB and Oauth2. Microservices architecture based on Docker and Kubernetes for solution hosting. Use of TeamCity for Continuous Integration tasks. Vaadin framework use for the procurement project.



Full stack software developer

Full stack developer, also architect role with tasks of design and analysis, further implementation of CMS, use of design patterns, DHTML, Javascript. Salesforce integration with an existing platform. Quality Assurance & testing using Selenium and also Jenkins as automation platform. Metrics, static testing, unit testing, code review, documentation review and test automation tasks as well.

2013 - 2015


Full stack software developer

Development of a CMS Web Portal for CWS-Boco company. Integration of different data sources like Salesforce, ABS, Saperion using Spring Integration, expose those datasets throuhg REST and SOAP. Frontend development using technologies like AngularJS, automatization with Grunt and Nodejs. User management with Liferay portal 6.2. Automatization and test design techniques. Tomcat 7 as application server and Oracle 11g as database management system

2011 - 2013

Dürr (Brockhaus AG)

Junior software developer

Development of diferent functionalities and requirements of the scalable enterprise application product, a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) of a whole car-producing plant. Integration of reporting engine: JasperReports. Standard web technologies used: JSPs, XHTML, JSF 2.0, HTML, Ajax, Hibernate, Servlets, Jboss, EJBs, Maven, SVN...

Technical Skills













Knowledge areas

  • API design
  • Agile methodologies
  • Postman / SoapUI
  • Visual Code / IntelliJ
  • Blockchain (Solidity)
  • NX


Liferay Portal 6.2 Certified Profesional

Credential ID: VJTU9-U9IMU-LN6NZ 2015

Development of Enterprise Java application using Patterns & Tiers



B1. Deutsch test für Zuwanderer Zertifikat. Telc. 10 de junio

Cambridge University

C1 Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) 2011