About Me

I am a passionate, proactive, and innovative software developer. However, formally speaking, I am a Computer Science Engineer who obtained a degree from UCLM.
I possess strong expertise in enterprise application development using JEE technologies, particularly the Spring Framework.I have gained international work experience in Portugal and Germany. I consider myself a curious and enthusiastic learner of new technologies, with a particular interest in frontend development using ReactJS, Angular, and Vue.
Currently, I am intrigued by the field of AI, and I am actively learning about LangChain, LLM principles, and Machine Learning with Python. Please feel free to reach out to me for more information.

  • Age 38
  • Based on Spain
  • Address Calle Jesús del Valle 28004 Madrid
  • Email joseh.parreno@gmail.com

What I do

Web Development

I have been working as a developer for more than 10 years. I have experience with different technologies, but I am specialized Angular, Java and Spring Framework.


Knowledge of structured language SQL and familiar with the following RDBMS: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server 2008 and Oracle. Also familiar with No-SQL databases like MongoDB.

Code versioning handling

Mainly Git. Development with distributed teams, git flow and different git workflows (feature branching).

Microservices architecture

Docker,Kubernetes for solution hosting. Use of Docker Compose and Vagrant for local configuration and development. Use of RabbitMQ for async communication. Also AWS basic knowledge of EC2. Datadog for monitoring.

Backend Development

Enterprise application development, specially using the Spring Framework and its different modules: Data, Boot, Integration...


Development of unit tests with Junit Framework in Java. Jasmine and Jest for Javascript. Karma for frontend testing. E2E testing using Protractor, Cypress and Selenium. Also familiar with CDC testing using Pact framework.

Extra information

Software projects involved


Github repositories


Stackoverflow reputation


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