AI Hackaton

On August 8th, 2023, the very first Nylas Hackathon was launched. It was an online hackathon that lasted until October 2nd, 2023. It was an excellent opportunity for people worldwide to discover, learn and build using the Nylas APIs for email, calendar, and contacts.

Find the link on the Nylas blog here

Me along my friends built and won the project.

Nylas & AI Hackathon Winners

Basically I remember having heared of "Langchain" which was a framework for working with LLms. Actually it was the perfect use case to use it along with actions, that we put for consuming the Nylas API (which handles emails, contacts and calendar).

How we built it

The heart of Mosaic lies in its seamless integration with the Nylas API, which is central to all its functionalities:

  • Backend (Node.js): Developed specifically around the Nylas API, this backend fetches and manages email, calendar, and contact data.
  • Backend (Python): Houses the Langchain Framework and connects to OpenAI’s API, adding layers of intelligence for natural language processing, image generation, and speech-to-text recognition.
  • Frontend (React): Crafted to provide an intuitive interface, making the Nylas-powered features easily accessible.
  • Nginx Proxy: Manages web traffic, directing it to the appropriate services.

The project is released with Apache 2.0 License, please find all the source code here: